Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sorry Not Sorry! She's my MOM

I know, I know…your book is in a list that I promised to review. 

Well first, I am only a little sorry. (NOT sorry). My mom released another best seller.

You haven’t read it, so you don’t know.

But I did, so I’m telling you. It is a best seller and if you have children you will agree. If you do not have children you will need to take her word for it.


She did raise us alone with my dad popping in and out of our lives. We were privileged despite our financial status. Because as she states in this book “spent many hours in prayer”. We were kept, kept like most wouldn’t fathom. When my sister asked me to read it I could only think…”what has my mom gone and done”. Through the entire book I was waiting on something embarrassing or some secret to jump out; but alas no. This book let me know the struggles my mom went through regarding her and her spirituality drawing her closer to God.

Now the surprise is…she enjoyed it. The three sisters who are so much alike and so different and so close that no one could break our bond between the three. My mom found JOY in being my mom.

Thank you for EVERYTHING mommy.  

Thank you for letting me, be me So now I say to the world…

Virginia Echols Harrison


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  1. This is an awesome review, from one who knows the truth of the matter. Whoo hoo!

  2. This is an awesome review, from one who knows the truth of the matter. Whoo hoo!
